Esther Byrne

At the beginning of this year, I felt a sense of momentum. This is it; I told myself. This is the one. 

This year, I will recover.

I don’t know how or when, but I will.

I borrowed a book on recovery from the library, and have been slowly making my way through it. Taking in the knowledge and trying to apply it to my fatigue-addled brain and life. 

Chronic Illness Chronicles #4 – Rebuilding the house

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Well, it has been a while…

Longer than I meant it to be, but fatigue makes its own rules.

Today, however, I am back! Spring is in the air, and I’m feeling inspired today to write about the intrinsic link between disability and creativity. In my experience, disability and long-term illness go hand-in-hand with creativity, as we navigate a world which is often not designed with us in mind.

Chronic Illness Chronicles #3 – The joy of pasta

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Ahh, The Jolly Postman – that most soothing and escapist of children’s books…

A firm favourite of mine as a child; it has truly stood the test of time, both in terms of commercial sales, and in terms of my personal connection to it. It is still a book I find myself turning to from time to time; drawing comfort from the drawings and envelopes and my many happy memories of having it read to me.

Chronic Illness Chronicles #2 – The Jolly Postman

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The song of the moon

News | 9th June 2023

I’m very passionate about nature, and it’s a key influence that’s always cropping up in my work, my head, my heart… a constant part of me.

It brings me great joy and peace; it helps me stay calm. It reminds me that I live in a world designed with incredible detail, and much of it is detail I can’t see. There are entire micro-worlds hidden below the soil and nestled in the hollows of trees that I may do my best to notice and consider my impact on,

The song of the moon

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Over four plus years of being ill, I have never managed to reach a state where I’m entirely happy with a day in which I ‘get nothing done’.

Western culture is centred around ‘what you do’ and we pass judgement and assign value to people according to this idea. There were times in the past where I held jobs that were seen as being of less value, and people didn’t quite know how to talk to someone who was a sales assistant or a housekeeper.

Chronic Illness Chronicles #1 – The Nightjar and the Hare

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